Chen Daoming 81 million Hong Kong to buy luxury Chinese style decoration is very private

Chen Daoming’s mid-level properties purchased in Hong Kong are not only more private but also enjoy the invincible sea views of South Bay and Repulse Bay. Chen Daoming and his wife met in Tianjin. His wife Du Xian was a news anchor for CCTV and her daughter Chen Ge studied English at the age of 13. Belgravia, purchased by a family, was completed in 1989 and is the Kerry Properties rental property owned by Malaysia's richest man, Guo Heinian.

In recent years, more and more mainland stars have bought homes in Hong Kong, and even the movie actor Chen Daoming has caught up with this trend. According to Hong Kong media reports, Chen Daoming’s first home visit to Hong Kong recently led to a generous 81 million Hong Kong dollar purchase of the Belgravia mid-rise A-Room Demonstration Unit at 57 South Bay Road. The unit has a total of 2,390 square feet (approximately 222 square meters). HK$34,000, overlooking South Bay and Repulse Bay sea views. According to the Land Registry's data, the units were purchased in the name of Du Xian (Du Xian) and her daughter Chen Ge (Chen Ge).

Chen Daoming’s mid-level properties purchased in Hong Kong are not only more private but also enjoy the invincible sea views of South Bay and Repulse Bay. Chen Daoming and his wife met in Tianjin. His wife Du Xian was a news anchor for CCTV and her daughter Chen Ge studied English at the age of 13. Belgravia, purchased by a family, was completed in 1989. It is the Kerry-built rental rental property owned by Malaysia's richest man, Guo Heinian. The project began to be sold at the end of 2008. The penthouse B, on the top floor of the property, was sold at a price of HK$56,000 in April this year. It was the most expensive record for residential units in the Peak and South subdivisions.

Chen Daoming 81 million Hong Kong Luxury Home Exterior

Star home villa design space effect map space TV decoration residential decoration design headboard

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