Hot days + rainy season summer decoration materials must be bothered

High temperature days, rainy season. The summer weather changes like a doll's face and changes, sometimes high-temperature exposure, and sometimes heavy rain, which not only makes people feel bored, but also brings trouble to the owners of the decoration. Although many people know that summer is not suitable for decoration, due to a variety of reasons, the unsavory construction period will be in summer. Summer decoration has high requirements for the performance of materials and construction techniques. At this time, Xiao Bian will give a wake-up call to the owners. In summer decoration, the first thing that cannot be overlooked is the purchase and storage of decoration materials.

Part1, summer decoration difficult

When the decoration meets the summer summer decoration selection four difficult

Part2, notice of summer decoration materials

Summer decoration materials pay attention to these points need to pay attention

Part3, summer decoration, these four types of building materials need to pay attention

1, paint purchase articles - decoration hit the summer paint to buy more trouble

2, floor selection articles - Meiyu quarter floor moisture selection is the key to the material

3, tile selection articles - summer tile selection points to help you buy a large selection of good tiles

4, plate selection articles - easy home improvement summer plate purchase

Part4, summer decoration, these products help you to "difficult"

1, 4 moisture-proof wood flooring to help you get rid of moldy troubles in the rainy season

2, Meiyu quarter attention to the safety of 3 moisture-proof tiles recommended

3, to avoid misunderstanding to buy green paint paint brand recommended

Part5, summer decoration materials store with stress

Summer decoration notice: Material storage precautions against moisture and sunscreen

Renovation Raiders Buy Materials Building Materials Purchase

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