The latest version of EdgeCAM V12 debuted at the European International Machine Tool Show in September

EdgeCAM will showcase its latest V12 release at the Hannover International Machine Tool Show (EMO) from September 17th to 22nd. (Sixth Hall H10 Booth)

Mr. Simon Lee, Global Sales Director, mentioned: “Participating in this exhibition is a very important step for us to consolidate our position in the European market. Here we will meet more potential customers, especially those who want to improve 5 axes. Customers who are efficient in processing equipment and turning and milling equipment."

The EdgeCAM V12 version expands its range of support for 5-axis machining equipment, from rotary table equipment to double-swing head equipment, which is fully supported for simultaneous machining. Accurate simulation of all machining processes, including machine movement and tool movement, verifies the clamping of the workpiece while reducing unnecessary interference.

Users of the V12 version will feel that the software generates a tool path faster when using the roughing command than before, because the 3D model is split into many small units during calculation, which is related to the tool path smoothing technique (generated and The common use of the circular path of the target geometry makes the generated tool path more accurate and efficient, greatly reducing the capacity of the CNC file.

Some new options have been added to the EdgeCAM V12 version to reduce machining time and further control of the hole machining tool path. The new turning strategy improves the chip removal capability of deep hole machining, extends tool life and reduces the workload of programmers.

The improved Strategy Manager has also been integrated into the turning and turning and milling complex machining environment to automate more programming work. Running certain commands (such as tolerances and surface machining) maximizes machine processing efficiency. Used in conjunction with EdgeCAM Part Modeller, the Strategy Manager allows design intent to be directly reflected in the machining environment, such as the use of surface machining commands to control optimal feedrate override, spindle speed and depth of cut.

The EdgeCAM V12 version supports the latest Windows Vista operating system. The database format has also been changed to the industry standard data processing library SQL, and supports multi-user environments. It can also be integrated with third-party software such as ERP, tool measurement and tool management systems.

EdgeCAM fully supports the latest CAD software, which can be directly read by model files. For example: Solid Edge v20, SolidWorks 2008, Inventor 2008 and CATIA v5 R17 (end)

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