Beauty anchor Liu Yan's home favorite color quiet decoration

For the family, Liu Yan thinks that wherever he lived, he lived in an unfamiliar city. As long as the family was together, it was “home”. She said that her dream home is to live in the mountains. Every morning she will be able to raise sheep. The entire hill is our home. What you see every day is green and simple.

People say that God is fair, intelligent, and beautiful. He only promises you one of them. Of course, I often use this phrase to comfort myself and my friends.

Bold female anchor Liu Yan's home favorite color quiet decoration

I believe many people are just like me! Until Liu Yan was seen, I began to doubt God. When God created man, he would also “open!” What would be the understanding of the home of a person who was born when God was “worse”?

Before interviewing Liu Yan, I used the powerful Internet to grab a large amount of her data and watched many videos. In fact, I have been concerned about the post-80s Benben family. Looking back at those videos just wanted her screen image to be more profound in my mind. When I saw her, I could only say that I was also the name of Liusi, and Liusi saw the idol. The result was, of course, Liu Si’s HIGH. The idol was also HIGH!

There are 14 regular programs for Liu Yan. Many programs need to be conducted in different cities. This means that she is flying every month, recording programs and then recording programs. Of course, she has to take time to host large-scale evenings and awards. Ceremony, recording new songs, acting.... . To be honest, when I saw her schedule, I was a bit dizzy.

Star home entrance decoration restaurant decoration TV decoration home home decoration house decoration decoration design decoration style decoration home

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