Coal Industry Week Data and Analysis

Coal Industry Week Data and Analysis Thermal coal: In terms of domestic ports this week, the Bohai Bohai dynamic coal closing price index fell by 6 yuan/ton to 553 yuan/ton this week; Qingang thermal coal prices fell across the board, in a depressed state, with Datong high-grade mixed, Shanxi excellent blending, Shanxi large-mixed and ordinary mixed coal fell by RMB 10/ton each; Guangzhou coal thermal coal prices remained stable, and domestic coal prices fell, including high-grade blending in Shanxi, which dropped by RMB 20/ton, and Shenmu 1 by RMB 15/ton; Power coal prices rose. As for port inventory, as of August 23, Qinhuangdao's inventory fell 4.76% this week to 6,695,800 tons, and remained high; South Port and Guangzhou Port coal inventories rose by 16.01% to 3.0250 million tons on August 16. As of August 10, the major power plants had coal inventories of 65.30 million tons, and the inventory fell from the end of July, and the available days were 16 days. This week, except for the tentative price increase in some regions, the domestic thermal coal market has generally traded in general. Thermal coal prices in the Datong area of ​​Shanxi Province are stable, and high-calcium coal transactions are good. Changzhi lean coal mine pit prices have increased by RMB 20/t; Shaanxi thermal coal market has As a result, coal prices in some mining areas have been raised slightly. The northern Shaanxi region has raised RMB 5 to RMB 20/t, which is limited to the mining areas under the Shaanxi Coal Group. The Huangling area has been raised by RMB 10/ton, and the Binxian area has been raised by RMB 15/ton. Coal freight rate: As of August 16, China's coastal coal freight rates have continued to rise since late July, rising slightly by 3.22% to 1063.55 points; international freight rates, as of August 17, the BDI index has increased by 5.72% to 1165 points; As of August 22, the cost of shipping from Theo to Qingdao slightly increased by US$0.04/tonne to US$9.30/tonne this week.

Metallurgical coal: This week, the domestic coking coal market has remained stable. The myspic steel price index fell slightly by 0.34% this week to 133.14 points. Steel stocks in major cities in the country continue to show a downward trend. As of August 10, the average daily output of domestic crude steel was 21.4 million tons, which was an increase of 2.69% from the previous period. Mill purchase price: As of August 16th, the purchase price of metallurgical coal remained stable at most steel mills across the country. Jinan Steel lowered the procurement price of Shandong's 1/3 coking coal at RMB 10/tonne, and Shanxi's coal injection price at RMB 10/tonne. . In the market, domestic coking coal market prices have steadily entered the upstream channel, and some large mine listing prices have risen slightly. On August 20th, Shanxi Coking Chemical Co., Ltd. issued a new price policy, in which main coking coal was increased by RMB 10-40/ton, and fat coal was increased by RMB 10-20. / Ton, Sanjiao village lean coal increased 10 yuan / ton, official land injection coal raised 10 yuan / ton, the contract volume 25-50 million tons, 50-100 million tons, more than 1 million tons users discount 20, 30 , 40 yuan / ton. In the aspect of downstream procurement, the purchase price of coking coal in Weifang, Shandong province, rose by 20-30 yuan/ton. This week, the coal injection market was mainly operated smoothly. The procurement enthusiasm of the steel mills remained high and the trading volume continued to improve. The price of coal injection from major producing areas was stable. The price of injection coal was tight in the Zhaotong area of ​​Yunnan Province, and the price rose slightly by RMB 30/t. Ton.

Anthracite: This week, the domestic anthracite market as a whole is relatively stable. The transaction situation has gradually improved. The coal industry started at a low level. The weak demand for anthracite due to the downstream downturn has gradually entered the recovery phase. Part of anthracite-based downstream end-user market preference, plus the price At the low level, some companies began to purchase a small amount to prepare for the library.

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