Fruit tree grabbing application method

Different fertilization according to the age of the tree For young fruit trees, because the root system is not well developed, in order to avoid damage to the young roots, the annular fertilization method is generally adopted at the root according to the size of the canopy. For adult fruit trees, well-characterized orchards can be applied deep in the hole or applied with acupoints, but the large trees should be applied 0.8 meters from the roots to induce the new roots to extend outward.

Different types of trees, growth and determination of fertilization amount Different tree species, growth and soil fertility, the amount of fertilizer required is not the same. The fruit yield of the fruit trees with long tree length and high yield is larger, and the application amount of base fertilizer is larger. Orchards with poor soil quality and low fertility require large amounts of fertilizer and should be applied more. Young trees and fertile orchards should be relatively small. However, no matter what kind of fruit trees, the base fertilizer should be based on organic fertilizers, such as adult grapes, 2000 kg of fruit per mu, and 4000 kg of high-quality poultry fertilizer should be applied. Adult pear trees can be used to produce 40-50 kg of decomposed ash and fertilizer, 1 kg of phosphate fertilizer, 0.5 kg of potassium fertilizer or 1 kg of compound fertilizer. At the same time, we must also pay attention to the proportion of fertilization, such as peach trees, each 100 kg of fruit should be applied 0.5 kg of nitrogen fertilizer, 0.3 kg of phosphate fertilizer, 0.2 kg of potassium fertilizer. Where the soil is poor, it is also necessary to apply multi-component trace elements.

Resilience to the disaster, grab the fertilizer for the lack of lyrical orchard, can be applied to the trunk fertilization with organic active liquid fertilizer, such as per acre available Huimanfeng or Zhuangfuxing active liquid fertilizer 250 ml water 30 times, painted at the base of the trunk 50-100 cm, It can quickly penetrate the bark and is absorbed by the fruit trees.
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