Sexy Girl Photographer Rania Matar's A Girl and her Room

When people live in an environment for too long, they will become blind. At this time, if one can jump to another space, they will have the opportunity to have a new understanding and judgment of where they once were.

“A Girl and her Room” is a two-year shooting project of the Lebanese female photographer Rania Matar. In this project, the photographer visited the different regions of the United States and the Middle East and photographed girls' rooms from different backgrounds and family environments. Present their lives, adolescent self-awareness, and the integration and conflict of different cultures.

“Because of the architectural origins, composition and observation are almost my second nature. In every new environment, we will unconsciously notice many details that are ignored by people and try to rearrange these details and find their commonalities. With characteristics, architecture allows me to learn how to understand a space, and photography is how I integrate into a space and convey the way I experience it.

When people live in an environment for too long, they will become blind. At this time, if one can jump to another space, they will have the opportunity to have a new understanding and judgment of where they once were. In a sense, the same applies to culture, society, and the country. Long-term infestation and lack of reflection will hinder the progress of human civilization. ”

Female photographer Rania Matar's room   Decorate and decorate   

About photographer

Rania Matar, female photographer, born in Lebanon, went to the United States in 1984, graduated from Beirut University's Department of Architecture, studied photography at the New England School of Photography, taught photography classes for children in Lebanon’s refugee camps during the summer, had a long-term focus on Middle East and women topics, and filmed Works have been published in the world's leading media.

Female photographer Rania Matar's room

Star home space effect drawing room space home decor

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